2.500 рсд

The History of the Global Conflict from 1939 to 1945
Peter Chausseaud

Times Books, 2018.

Tvrdi povez, format 25cm
Engleski jezik, 305 strana
Bogato ilustrovano na kvalitetnom papiru

Experience the Second World War as you travel through time and follow the conflict of the war from 1939 to 1945 with this unique and invaluable volume!

From the earliest onslaught of troops in the Invasion of Poland to the D-Day and the Liberation of France. Features historical maps and photographs from their archives, and fascinating commentary from an expert historian. The events of the battles are detailed and illustrated, artfully telling a story of what occurred through maps with handwritten notes from the front lines. Complete with detailed courses of action for air strikes and naval battles along with annotated maps that illustrated the planned supply routes and attacks for soldiers is pictures of ruins, troops, world leaders, newspaper clippings, and more!

Types of maps featured:
Maps cover key battles and offensives on major fronts
Planning and operations maps showing defenses in detail
Maps showing dispositions of Allied and enemy forces
Bomber and V-weapon target maps
Key topics include:
1939: Invasion of Poland
1940: German invasion of the Low Countries & France
1940: Battle of Britain & German invasion threat
1941: Pearl Harbor
1941-1945: Barbarossa and the Eastern Front
1942: Turning Points: midway, Alamein, Stalingrad
The War at Sea
The War in the Air
1944: Neptune & Overlord; D-Day & liberation of France

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