Fighting Men of World War II Axis Forces: Uniforms, Equipment & Weapons

Fighting Men of World War II Axis Forces Uniforms, Equipment & Weapons
David Miller

New York, 2011.
Tvrd povez, veliki format 30cm
Engleski jezik, 385 strana
Bogato ilustrovano na kvalitetnom papiru

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This book is divided into four major sections, one for each of the major Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) and a section for the minor Axis players (Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Romania, etc.). Each section provides an overview of the national army, ranks, structure, uniforms, equipment, infantry weapons, heavy weapons and support weapons.
Each section is loaded with photographs. Some are historical photos from World War II but most are color photos of museum quality originals of the actual uniform, rifle, gas mask, etc.

About two-thirds of the book is dedicated to Germany. It covers the Germany Army as well the Waffen-SS, Gebirgsdivision, Fallschirmjager, and to a limited extent, Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe Field Division, Spanish Blue Division, Legion des Volontaires Francais, Hilfswillige and Cavalry.

The book does a remarkable job of covering the major and many minor variations of uniforms, equipment and weapons for a 400-page book. For example, 30 pages are dedicated to German pistols alone!

Featuring for the first time in one reference volume the structure and equipment of the German and Axis terrestrial combat units in World War II. The hardcover reference book examines the organization of each army, its rank structure and numerical groupings as a prerequisite to examining each soldier’s equipment in detail: his clothing- boots, trousers, helmet, tunic, greatcoat, camouflage, his weapons, his support items like medical kit, mess kit and rations.

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