Jugoslovenski 2K12 Kub-M protiv strategijskih bombardera B-1B “Lancer” 1999. godine
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Izvor: „B-1B Lancer Units in Combat“, Autor: Thomas Withington, Izdavač: Osprey Combat Airfcraft, Botley-Oxford.
The first B-1B mission occurred on 2 April against the Novi Sud petroleum production facility at Pancevo, northeast of Belgrade. Although ONA was originally limited to only ‘tactical’ targets at the start of the campaign, it became clear that hitting such sites alone would not persuade President Milosevic to fold. Instead, the target set was expanded to cover ‘strategic’ installations such as the Novi Sud facility, which was literally helping to oil the Serbian war machine. The combined load of 168 Mk 82 ‘slicks’ dropped from the two bombers that were sortied had no trouble knocking out the key sections of the plant.
These Mk 82 bombs are lined up on an ammunition-handling truck, waiting to be loaded into the weapons bay of the 77th BS Lancer parked in the background. The access ladder in the crew compartment is down and the aircraft awaits the arrival of the four-man team who will fly the bomber over western Europe and the Adriatic Sea and then onto its targets in Serbia and Kosovo (B-1B Systems Program Office)
However, after the bomb run, the weapons bay doors on one of the B-1Bs failed to close. The Lancer was subsequently targeted by a Serbian SAM, although a combination of defensive manoeuvres, chaff and electronic countermeasures defeated the missile. The weapon succeeded in forcing the bomber into the engagement zone of a second SAM, however, which the crew was also able to defeat. According to the pilot of the aircraft, Capt Gerald Goodfellow, at the first indication of a SAM launch ‘your training kicks in. It feels very natural. You don’t really think about it until later on, when the mission is completed. You take on an almost business-like attitude. You have to beat that missile. When I’m up there, my biggest worry isn’t about getting shot down, but about missing the target. As a whole, the crew is concentrating as one putting those bombs on target’. The open weapons bay doors and the manoeuvring of the aircraft caused Goodfellow’s Lancer to use more fuel than anticipated, leaving the bomber with insufficient fuel to return to Fairford. During the mission, the B-1B was also struck by lightning, which blew off a section of the aircraft’s horizontal stabiliser, but the crew was still able to get the aircraft home. Goodfellow remembered that ‘we felt a huge relief at the completion of the mission. The SAMs came closer than we’d anticipated, and after thinking about it for a couple of days, we were glad to have survived’. Retired Air Force Chief of Staff Gen John Jumper was Commander USAFE and Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe during OAF, and he remembers clearly how well the AN/ALE-50 towed decoy worked on this first mission; END QUOTE“ Kraj citata
Dakle, 02.04.1999. godine, iznad neba severne Srbije, reč je o Novom Sadu ili Pančevu, posada bombardera B-1B Lancer je odradila bombardovanje ciljeva. Kada su završili, nije im se zatvorio jedan spremnik za bombe i uočeni su nišanskim radarom SAM (raketa zemlja-vazduh) sistema. Lansirana je prva raketa, kojoj su izmakli. Lansirana je i druga raketa i njoj su izmakli. Ipak, u tom manevrisanju potrošili su previše goriva i nisu se mogli vratiti na matični aerodrom u Fairfordu (Velika Britanija), odakle su i poleteli, nego su negde iznad Nemačke morali biti tankovani u vazduhu). Tokom misije ih je udario i grom i odvalio deo horizontalnog stabilizatora.
S obzirom da hvale sistem AN-ALE/50, i s obzirom na reon koji su bombardovali, verovatno su gađani sistemom 2K12 Kub-M i svi ovi problemi koji su nastali, nastali su zbog tog gađanja.
Inače, radilo se o bombarderu sa oznakom 85-0075, koji je dana 11/04/1999. godine zbog “mehaničkih problema” morao ranije napustiti bazu u Fairfordu, Velika Britanija, radi odlaska u SAD na opravku.
Izvor iz iste knjige kaže sledeće:
“Lancer 85-0075 of the 77th BS sits under a partially cloudy Gloucestershire sky whilst being readied for another mission to Serbia. This aircraft left Fairford a mere 11 days after its arrival. The jet’s early departure, in contrast with some of the other aircraft
deployed, may have been due to mechanical problems (B-1B Program Office)” . Kraj citata
O ovom događaju, koji je bio deo prve misije bombardera B-1B nad SRJ, i o načinu upotrebe bombardera B-1B sa radarskim mamcima AN/ALE-50 i o “ bliskim susretima” sa raketama sistema Kub-M, govorio je, u istoj knjizi, sada penzionisani američki general Džon Džamper. Evo citata i prevoda:
Retired Air Force Chief of Staff Gen John Jumper was Commander USAFE and Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe during OAF, and he remembers clearly how well the AN/ALE-50 towed decoy worked on this first mission;
„The pair of B-1Bs came down south over the Adriatic Sea information with their ALE-50 towed decoys deployed, and we watched the radars in Montenegro track the bombers as they turned the corner around Macedonia and headed up into Kosovo. We watched the radars, in real time, hand off the targets to the SA-6s, which came upon full-target track and fired their missiles. Those missiles took the ALE-50s off the back end of the B-1s just like they were designed to…“ Kraj Citata
Dakle, General opisuje kako su „u realnom vremenu“ gledali kako ih radari u Crnoj Gori prate iznad Jadranskog mora (avione B-1B), kako se podaci predaju dalje jedinicama SA-6 (američka oznaka za sistem PVO Kub-M) koje su, po otkrivanju i zahvatu ciljeva, ispaljivali svoje rakete. Te rakete su, po navodima Generala Jumpera, pogađale vučne mamce AN/ALE-50 na zadnjem kraju letelica, „kako je i bilo predviđeno“, dok su bombarderi nastavljali svoju misiju.” Kraj citata
Nove informacije
U međuvremenu, pojavili su se novi podaci koji bacaju nešto drugačije svetlo na ovaj događaj.
Naime, tokom rata 1999-te godine, bombarderi B-1B su leteli u paru (dve letelice). Ukupno 10 letelica je prijavilo da je tokom misije bilo gađano sa projektilima “zemlja-vazduh”, ne navodeći koji je tip projektila u pitanju. Imajući u vidu visine leta B-1B, u pitanju su mogli biti samo projektili iz raketnih sistema PVO “Kub” ili “Neva”.
Ipak, samo posade ovog para, koji je 02/04/99, prijavio da je gađan sa raketama sistema PVO “Kub-M”, dobio je najviše letačko priznanje „Distinguished Flying Cross” za hrabrost i vanserijski poduhvat za vreme borbenog leta. Orden su primili u oktobru mesecu 2000. godine.
Zašto to isto priznanje nisu primile i posade ostalih bombardera, zašto samo posade ovog para bombardera? Da li zato što se jednom od njih nije zatvorio spremnik za bombe nakon što je smrtonosni tovar ispustio nad svojim ciljem, ali je uspeo da se vrati u bazu (da li je to „dovoljan razlog“) ili zato što je raketa sistema PVO „Kub“, po njihovom svedočanstvu, eksplodirala iza aviona i napravila štetu na horizontalnom stabilizatoru veličine pesnice, koja je kasnije pripisana udaru groma na visini od 60 metara od sletne piste u Fairfordu (Velika Britanija)?
Fotografije oštećenja nisu nikada objavljene.
S obzirom na već izrečenu činjenicu da se novi podaci oko ovog „slučaja“ pojavljuju kako vreme prolazi, nadam se da ćemo u nekom narednom periodu imati dovoljno podataka da možemo pokazati da je par bombardera B-1B uspešno gađan raketama sistema PVO „Kub-M“ i da se jedan od njih vratio sa oštećenjima na horizontalnom stabilizatoru, usled čega je morao ići, po američkim izvorima, u SAD na opravku usled „mehaničkih problema“.
Izvor: „B-1B Lancer Units in Combat“, Autor: Thomas Withington, Izdavač: Osprey Combat Airfcraft, Botley-Oxford.
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