2K12 Kub protiv jurišnika A-10A “Thunderbolt”

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SAMOHODNI RAKETNI SISTEM 2K12 KUB-M/KVADRAT koju možete poručiti klikom na sliku ispod:

Na pročetku ove priče prenosimo originalno svedočanstvo protivničke strane objavljeno u knjizi „A-10s over Kosovo“, Col. Christopher E. Haave, USAF / Lt. Col. Phil M. Haun, USAF, Maxvell Air Force Base, Alabama

A-10A “Thunderbolt” 


“The first of May began like any other day in Gioia…..
Just as I was about to roll in, I heard, “SAM launch, SAM launch” over the UHF radio. Looking east towards Pristina Airfield, I saw a volley of two SAMs followed immediately by two more. I was amazed at the amount of white, billowy smoke they produced and the rapid speed at which they flew in our direction. All four SAMs were guiding towards us. I began evasive maneuvers and called the SAM launch out on the very high frequency (VHF) radio that all four A-10s were using to work the target-area handoff. All four A-10s began a SAM defense ballet, the likes of which I have never seen and hope to never see again. The sky was full of chaff, and the world’s greatest attack pilots were maneuvering their Hogs like their lives depended on it—and they did! A SAM, the second launched, malfunctioned and detonated in spectacular fashion about 2,000 feet above the ground. From 63 MISSION LEADERSHIP AT THE TACTICAL LEVEL my now-inverted cockpit, I could feel the concussion of the warhead detonating in a blaze of orange fire. The other three SAMs continued on course in an attempt to thwart our attack against the troops massed in the forest below us.

All but one of the SAMs failed to guide—and that one chose Scud as its soon-to-be victim. Wouldn’t you know it would pick Scud, who was the least-seasoned pilot in our four-ship—a formation that had over 3,500 hours of combined Hog experience. Meegs did an excellent job of defeating the threat, maintaining situational awareness on his wingman, and calling out the final evasive maneuvers that prevented the SAM from impacting Scud’s jet and ruining our day. All four SAMs were defeated, and the Serb troops in the forest below awaited the wrath of the Panthers. The Serbs failed to take a lesson from Desert Storm. In that campaign, the Iraqis quickly learned that if they shot at an A-10 they had better kill it because if it survives, it is going to shoot back with a vengeance.

Autentična fotografija nastala na Kosmetu 1999. godine.
Trenutak lansiranja rakete 3M9M3E sistema „2K12 Kub-M“ i njen početni deo leta ka cilju.

Skica 1: Borba RS Kub-M protiv jurišnika A-10A Thunderbolt, 1. maj. 1999. godine. Napad 1. srb 311. srp i kontraudar NATO aviona (Zoran Vukosavljević)

Corn and I were out of gas, so we departed the area with our hearts in our throats and left the counterattack to Meegs. He dropped four Mk-82 airburst bombs on the troop concentration in the trees and eliminated those forces from the rest of the campaign. (I can make that statement with a high degree of certainty. One year later I received an Air Medal for my participation in that sortie)…..
After getting fuel from the tanker, Corn and I proceeded back into the KEZ to look for more targets in the northern region of the country. We had received numerous intel reports about troops and targets in this region, but we had not achieved much success in finding them. We flew approximately 15 miles northwest of Pristina Airfield and began searching for targets. I found one area of interest that appeared to have mobile AAA and possibly some other military vehicles in a small valley. I was just starting to talk Corn’s eyes onto the area to get his opinion when I saw two SAM launches from just north of Pristina Airfield.
I thought, “Here we go again.” I called out the SAM launch to Corn and directed his break turn to defeat the attack. As I dumped out as much chaff as I could muster and made the appropriate break turn, I looked back to see that Corn had turned in the wrong direction. He was heading straight towards the SAMs, increasing their probability of intercept. Realizing that he did not see the SAMs, I directed him to “take it down! Break right now and roll out west! Chaff! Chaff! Chaff!” As the second SAM guided in Corn’s direction, I continued to monitor his progress and update his maneuvers while attempting to talk his eyes onto the threat. I was certain the SAM was going to hit him, and I was just about to call out a last ditch maneuver when it began to drift aft to pass about 1,000 feet behind him…” Kraj citata

Zoran Vukosavljević je koautor kapitalne studije „EŠALON“ – Istorija razvoja sovjetskih i ruskih radara, komandno-informacionih sistema i sistema automatizacije koju možete pogledati klikom na sliku ispod:

Dakle, tog 01.05.1999 u popodnevnim satima, grupa aviona A-10 u pratnji SEAD avijacije F-16CGJ imala je zadatak uništenje opreme VJ u okolini aerodroma Slatina kod Prištine. Po dolasku u reon, u 17:22 časova, 1. srb PVO lansirala je 4 rakete na nadolazeće A-10 uz korišćenje TOV-a.

Prva raketa je nakon 600-700 metara neočekivano eksplodirala u vazduhu. Druga raketa kao i treća nisu ostvarile zahvat na cilj i samo u proletele pored grupe. Četvrta raketa, lansirana sa drugog SLO-a je ostvarila zahvat i pratila cilj do eksplozije u „blizini aviona“.
Američki izvori iz knjige, kažu da je „avion A-10 pobedio projektil“ bez dodatnih detalja.
Nakon 10-15 minuta NATO avijacija (A-10 + F-16CGJ) vrši kontraudar po vatrenom položaju 1. srb PVO sa 5 vođenih avio-bombi i 2 vođene rakete. Prilikom dejstva nije bilo povređenih, lakše je oštećen RStON.

Po američkim izvorima, udarna grupa se vraća da se dopuni gorivom i naoruža i vraća se nakon 45 minuta pojačana sa još A-10 aviona i opet uz pratnju SEAD grupe u isti reon. S obzirom da je 1. srb PVO bila u velikoj opasnosti, u rad se uključila posada 2. Srb PVO radi zaštite svojih drugova kojima je NATO avijacija zamislila “potpuno uništenje”.

Skica 2: Borba RS Kub-M protiv jurišnika A-10A Thunderbolt, 1. maj. 1999. godine. Napad na 2. srb 311. srp (Zoran Vukosavljević)

U 18:32 časova, 2. srb PVO na nadolazeću grupu lansira 2 rakete uz korišćenje TOV-a.
Rezultat dejstva nije poznat ali se čula eksplozija u vazduhu. Po američkim izvorima, ne pominje se kako su „pobedili“ prvu raketu, ali se pominje da je druga raketa pratila jedan A-10 koji je manevrisao koliko god je to bilo moguće, a onda je raketa promašila za oko 300 metara….

Nedugo zatim, položaj 2. srb PVO je gađan sa 5 laserski vođenih avio-bombi. Lakše je ranjen k-dir raketne baterije, a jedan vojnik je nažalost poginuo…

Ovaj primer pokazuje veliku požrtvovanost pripadnika jedinica Kub (naravno i svih ostalih pripadnika našeg PVO i svih pripadnika odbrane zemlje u celini) i na najbolji mogući način pokazuje kakva se teška bitka vodila na nebu Srbije i tadašnje SRJ između “Davida i Golijata”.

Kod ovog događaja, poslužili smo se i izvorom iz knjige “Vazdušni rat nad Srbijom 1999”, autora Bojana Dimitrijevića i Jovice Draganića, ali i neposrednim saznanjima autora knjige Zorana Vukosavljevića, bivšeg pripadnika 60. Srp PVO Kub-M, prilikom razmene iskustava sa pripadnicima 1. Srb PVO iz sastava 311. Srp PVO Kub-M, koji su bili neposredni akteri ove vazdušne bitke.

KNJIGU SAMOHODNI RAKETNI SISTEM 2K12 KUB-M/KVADRAT možete poručiti klikom na sliku ispod ili pozivom na telefone
060-528-18-88 ili 064-965-11-55: